I know that the title of this blog is "Adventures of Annika" and it's indulgent of me to commandeer her blog for my selfish purposes, but hopefully she will understand.
Today, Chris and I have been married for two years. Since we dated a while before that, it feels much longer, but even longer than that really. But in a good way...not in a "man, this has been dragging!" sort of way.
Chris is the best. Such a short, simple word for how to describe it. There are others though - generous, smart, capable, kind, funny, handsome, sweet...every day he amazes me by adding another attribute to the list, and every day I thank God that he's in my life and agreed to be my husband.
Beyond husband, Chris is so far, a pretty damn good father. He's patient with Annika, loves to make faces at her, coos back at her when she's trying to talk, laughs with her when she discovers something new. I never doubted for a moment that Chris would be an amazing father, but to actually see them together fills my heart up in ways I never thought possible.
Happy anniversary, sweetie. You are the light of my life and I am more in love with you every single day. I can't wait for what tomorrow brings!