Declan is a funny kid. He likes to joke and play and is speaking more and more sentences. However, he can't say the "k" sound. As in: "O-tay." or "My name is Detan" or "I want to play tars!" It's adorable, but since he's going to go to preschool in 3 months, I thought we best start correcting that. Not really getting anywhere... "Declan, say CCCCCCars." "TARS!"

Annika started first grade last month and loves her teacher and her class. She loves to play at recess (duh) and also joins the "running club" during recess occasionally, which is when the kids run on the track for the entire recess (after they eat lunch). Sounds more like a thinly disguised Kid Boot Camp, but hey, she likes it...and she comes home nice and worn out. Ha!

Chris has lost 15 pounds in the last 2 months (after this pic was taken) and looks great. We're both trying to be healthier and eat more at home...which has mixed success, but we're trying! Now we spend our evenings talking about my Fantasy Football team (which is be nice) which he says isn't his, but he spends more time thinking about it than I do. Every time I ask him to actually join my team, he says "I hate Fantasy Football." Isn't he cute? :)

OK, now back to work.