For those of you who are expecting a Christmas card from us, or thought we simply left you off our list...we did not. We're just not doing one. Let me tell you why.
With the blog, Facebook and the fact that I tell everyone everything - not to mention our lives our pretty boring (wonderful, but boring) - I decided to take a year off with Christmas cards. Most of you whom I stay in touch with either read the blog, check me out on Facebook or....dare I say it? Talk to me. So, you know that Annika is continuing to love preschool but gets sad when other children won't play with her, but is also independent enough to go away for entire weekends with her cousins. You also know that Declan is starting to make more discernible noises, shows somewhat of an affinity for Momma over Dada but also gets sad when he walks out of a room. You also know that we are exhausted and can't wait when they're old enough to go on a
family vacation.
I post enough pictures of these adorable souls on a semi-monthly basis, but let me post what likely would have made the Christmas card:

I promise it's nothing personal and we still love you the same as we did last year. Merry Christmas!