No, we are not having twins but we are having...a baby brother! Chris was convinced it was a girl and I had an inkling it was a boy, but you're never quite prepared for the official unveiling.
Chris and I are very excited, but disappointed for Annika who has become increasingly interested in the baby and had further asserted her insistence that it would be nothing but a girl. In fact, she had a few favorite names - Gabriela and Cutie Pie were her current favorites.
So, with a little trepidation and a lot of fear, we sat her down this evening to break the news. I brought her on my lap as Chris sat across from us and I said, "Baby - we have big news! We found out if you're having a baby brother or baby sister today."
Annika raised her eyebrows. "You did?..." she asked.
I said, "Yes! It's brother!!!" And with much excitement as I could muster (the trepidation still a factor) I announced the news in a stage whisper with my lips pressed to her little ear.
Annika's face registered the news, and she sat for a second or two thinking about it. Finally, she hopped off the couch and starting jumping up and down, "A baby brother! A baby brother! Yay yay yay!!!" With big smiles she ran up and down the room and was genuinely excited about the news.
Chris and I hope that this new baby is as amazing as Annika. Of course he will be. But wow, with moments like this, I do wonder.