I have to say, that lately, my daughter has been impressing me. More and more, not only is she developing a personality (a little grumpy, a little silly and a lot needy ;)) but she's becoming more predicatble. We have taken her to two restaurants in the recent past, and she did swimmingly each time. Helps that the hostess tries to stick you in the back, where the sun doesn't shine and either do the waiters. But I digress....
But she has been holding her own. It's also easier to tell what she might do in a given situation - here are some examples:
Scenario #1: In Mall. Very Tired. In Stroller. In this situation, Annika tends to "cry it out." She indicates her displeasure by some whining and finally some screaming. But with some stroller action - i.e. MOVEMENT AT ALL TIMES! - she will rather quickly fall asleep, allowing Mommy to buy her footsie pajamas or Diaper Genie inserts.
Scenario #2: In Starbucks. Hungry. In this scenario, Annika thinks Starbucks is a big game. Bottle in hand, Mommy attempts to feed baby. But baby fights it - in a nice way. With smiles and some what I swear are winks, she pushes the bottle out of her mouth and coos. But Mommy usually perserveres and gets her to eat pretty hardily. She is entertained by the whirring of the expresso machine and the smell of Mommy's mocha. Excellent.
Scenario #3: On a walk in the park. In Baby Bjorn. Annika will do either one of two things - fall asleep within first 3 minutes of walk, or stay awake and lick the side of the Baby Bjorn. She especially loves to lick it after she's spit up. YUMMY. But she is usually extremely quiet when awake in these situations, and just loves looking around and doesn't love the sun in her eyes so much. Mommy has some cute hats to fix that.
I never thought I'd see the day where I could actually predict the occassional action of my willful daughter. Though it delights me now, I hope she continues to surprise and live by her own rules. I'm already so proud - that will make me even prouder. (Is prouder a word?)